Improve your product value with the Jobs-to-be-done framework
Improve your business, design and marketing strategy with the Jobs-to-be-done framework (JTBD) and build products and services that your customers love.
Read moreImprove your business, design and marketing strategy with the Jobs-to-be-done framework (JTBD) and build products and services that your customers love.
Read moreDesign system – the mighty source of universal truth for every customer-centric company. But how does it actually affect your project team and is it worth building one on your own?
Read moreAko štyria stredoškoláci založili firmu, z ktorej je dnes najväčšie UX štúdio na Slovensku? A stačí na UX sedliacky rozum? Pozrite si odpovede Michala Blažeja v talkshow Marketing Backstage.
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