Minimum Viable Podcast #24: From designer to investor
Michal Šimkovič alias Musho: “I've never put a box around what is my job and what isn't. I do whatever is needed. There's no such thing as a small task."
Read moreMichal Šimkovič alias Musho: “I've never put a box around what is my job and what isn't. I do whatever is needed. There's no such thing as a small task."
Read moreMichal Šimkovič alias Musho: Nikdy som si nekreslil nejakú krabičku, že odtiaľto potiaľto je to môj job a ďalej už nie. Robím všetko čo treba. Neexistuje small task.
Read moreAlexander Jančo from Packeta: "Everyone claims to be customer-oriented, but that isn't enough for me. We want to be customer-obsessed."
Read moreLucia Ciranová from the Government Office of the Slovak Republic: "When you’re working on something that should be innovative in 2 years, you have to think 15 years ahead"
Read moreLucia Ciranová z Úradu Vlády SR: "Keď teraz robíte niečo, čo má byť inovatívne o dva roky, musíte premýšľať 15 rokov dopredu.”
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